Become an Underwriter:
Holy Family Radio is the only local Catholic radio station broadcasting throughout West Michigan. Our listeners are eagerly tuning in during this new era of Catholic Radio. Many of our listeners are donors themselves and understand our need for sponsorship. You can be sure that our members are eager to support companies who underwrite our programming.
Help us continue to spread the knowledge, love and practice of the Catholic faith on the airwaves in West Michigan by broadcasting your message of support on our station. Holy Family Radio listeners are a truly responsive & loyal audience who choose to support businesses that are supporting Catholic Radio.

How underwriting works:
Programming on Holy Family Radio is made possible, in part, by the financial support of businesses and organizations known as underwriters. There are many opportunities for you to support Catholic Radio and in appreciation, we will provide on-air recognition of your financial support.
Simple 30-second Example:
Thank you to (your company or name here) for their generous support for Holy Family Radio. (Your company or name here) serves the Greater (Your City) Area, Monday thru Friday from 8am to 5pm. Their website is and phone number is (###) ###-####. Holy Family Radio thanks (your company or name here) for their generous support.
How Can Underwriting Benefit Your Business?
1. While underwriting is not “advertising,” it can still provide your business with similar benefits. We thank you by name with an address, phone number and/or webpage as a supporter of Holy Family Radio.
2. Holy Family Radio is an excellent public relations tool. Listeners will gain a positive image of your company by it’s support of Catholic radio in west Michigan.
3. Since your business will be able to establish a year-round presence with Holy Family Radio at a lower cost, ample funds will remain for special promotions in other media and greatly improve name recognition.
4. Supporting Holy Family Radio shows that your business is interested in contributing to programs that improve the communities we work and live in.
To become a Underwriter, please contact:
Jim Thorndill
1410 Plainfield Ave. NE, Suite 200
Grand Rapids, MI 49505
Or fill in this contact form and submit.
Underwriter Information Request Form: