Events submitted will be posted to HFR’s Website Catholic Calendar.
These events will be used to create a weekly On-air Catholic Calendar as space allows.
Guidelines for posting events to the Holy Family Radio Website Catholic Calendar:
- Events must align with Holy Family Radio’s mission of “… is a lay apostolate dedicated to broadcasting the knowledge, love and truth of the Catholic faith. It seeks to attract and bring all listeners to a deeper relationship with Christ, inspiring them to evangelize, to build stronger families and to foster greater unity within our communities.”
- Events must be submitted within two weeks of event to be considered for the On-air Catholic Calendar.
- Events must be open to all.
- Events of an ecumenical nature are welcome that bring Catholics and non-Catholics together in a spirit of sharing and understanding.
Click here to submit event information. Include in the message box:
- Event Title
- Date(s)
- Start & end times
- Location
- Contact information
- Description of the event