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Citizens for Life Annual Fundraising Dinner [Sturgis, MI]
Tue, 3/22
Annual Fundraising Dinner
Citizens for Life of Southwest Michigan
Guest Speaker: Bobby Schindler on "Protecting the most vulnerable among us."
Tuesday, March 22, 2022 Tickets $25 Register Early
Rouch World Event Center 63412 M-66 Sturgis, MI
Doors Open at 5:15 Dinner and Program Begin at 6:00
Donations to Benefit: Citizens for Life of Southwest Michigan
Bobby Schindler is president of the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network and associate scholar
at the Charlotte Lozier Institute. Bobby advocates for the medically vulnerable in honor of Terri
Schiavo, his sister. A full-time advocate, speaker, and writer, Bobby and the Terri Schiavo Life
& Hope Network have been instrumental in providing resources and support to nearly 3,000
patients and families at risk. Bobby is a member of the American Society for Bioethics and
Humanities, and his writings have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, TIME,
The National Review, Human Life Review, The Washington Times, and others.
As the US population ages, and the value of human life is increasingly discounted, Bobby will provide
us with valuable information. It is critical now, more than ever, to protect ourselves and our loved ones who might be at risk. Euthanasia, assisted suicide and those in “denial of care” situations are increasing at alarming rates. Physicians, hospitals, nursing homes and insurance companies cannot be counted on to protect the life of the patient. We need to be armed with information to advocate for those we support.
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